Four Rivers Charter School Presents: Head Over Heels

Saturday, March 7, 2020, 7:00 pm until 9:30 pm
Tickets can be reserved at Four Rivers and World Eye Books starting on February 3rd

Dates and Times: March 6th at 7:00pm, March 7th at 2:00 and 7:00pm

Ticket prices: $12 in advance, $15 at the door, children under 5 are free

Tickets can be reserved at Four Rivers and World Eye Books starting on February 3rd, and are currently available online at

The Four Rivers Charter Public School Drama Club proudly presents HEAD OVER HEELS! A royal kingdom, an ominous prophecy, and a new awakening to the momentous possibilities of love, brought to life with a Go-Go's soundtrack!

A hilarious, exuberant celebration of love, HEAD OVER HEELS follows the escapades of a royal family on an outrageous journey to save their beloved kingdom from extinction—only to discover the key to their realm’s survival lies within each of their own hearts. Based loosely on the 16th century romance The Arcadia by Sir Philip Sidney, HEAD OVER HEELS updates the classic prose poem with modern understandings of gender, sexuality, and social class, all with a rocking 80s soundtrack from the Go-Go's.

Special Thanks to Our Sponsors and Underwriters

Australis AquacultureArtisan Beverage CooperativeBenjamin CompanyBerkshire Brewing CompanyCohn and Company Real Estate AgencyCommunity CreditCommon CapitalCommunity Foundation of Western MassachusettsConnecticut River InternistsDean's BeansEasthampton Savings BankFirstLight GDF SueznaGill TavernGoff MediaGreat Falls HarvestGreen River FestivalGreenfield Community CollegeGreenfield Cooperative BankGreenfield Savings BankLootMassachusetts Cultural Council • Montague Bookmill Montague WebWorksNortheast SolarPeople's PintRainmaker ConsultingThe RendezvousSolar Store of GreenfieldStobierski and ConnorTold VideoTrue North TransitTurn It Up

Exciting News for A Happening IV: Leviathan

Cloudgaze and Eggtooth Productions are thrilled to announce that we have received a generous grant from the Markham-Nathan Fund for Social Justice to support our 2024 Immersive Arts Festival, “A Happening IV: Leviathan.”

This festival will transform the Shea Theater into an exploration of theme, hosting installations, music, theatrical performances, and movement pieces, featuring the collective contributions of over 30 local artists. Audiences will experience otherworldly environments and narratives inspired by folklore, fairy tales, horror motifs, American literature, and the mythos of the Old Testament, all of which delve into the central question guiding the festival: "What does it mean to encounter something greater than yourself and to be consumed by it?" Through this theme, we explore how a community reemerges and imagines itself after destruction and transformation.

With the support of the Markham-Nathan Fund, we are excited to create an event that complicates perspectives and fosters meaningful dialogue. We are grateful for this partnership and for the work of the Markham-Nathan Fund for Social Justice.

Thanks to the Mass Cultural Council for their vital support this year.We'd also like to thank the Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts for their support in the form of a Flexible Funding grant. We couldn't do this work without you!